Science Fair Resource Library
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Reference Books
Elementary School Projects
Middle School Projects
High School Projects
Elementary School (K-6th)
Soil Erosion Project
This project answers: How do different soils affect erosion?
Description: This project includes making wind or water and evaluating the effects they have on soil. In this project, use a very cold freezer to observe the effects of the freeze and thaw cycles of water.
Chemicals and Plants Project
This project answers: What is the effect of a chemical on a plant?
Description: Look at using natural pollutants (e.g., motor oil, runoff from a busy street) or at home substances (e.g., orange juice, baking soda). Measure and include the rate of plant growth, leaf size, life/death of the plant, color of plant, and the ability to flower/bear fruit.
Floating and Sinking Project
This project answers: Which objects float and which objects sink, which can do both and why?
Description: Learn about density and observe how it plays a role in what sinks and what floats. Use household items and discover the differences between them. Find out why a sponge can do both!
Day and Night in the Desert Project
This project answers: When do different plants and animals of the desert sleep and what and when do they eat?
Description: Students can study different patterns of desert animals and plants and can create a 3D diagram to demonstrate their habitat and living patterns.
Middle School (7th & 8th)
Hydro-Power Water Project
This project answers: How strong is water?
Description: Learn how hydroelectric facilities are built at the base of dams and how dams take advantage of the high pressure of the water at the bottom of a reservoir in order to move- discover the strength water actually has!
Splitting H2O Project
This project answers: What gases are produced through electrolysis?
Description: In this project learn how electricity is "created" when certain chemicals react together. Find out how chemically-made electricity can power many machines from flashlights to a watch or sometimes a car.
Turbine Water Project
This project answers: What is the result of equal and opposite reactions?
Description: This project includes making a turbine with a milk carton. Make Sir Isaac Newton’s Third law come to life by creating this special turbine. The water pours out of the small hole created and its force pushes the carton in the opposite direction. This is what makes it turn. The more holes there are the faster the carton turns. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!
Water to Produce Energy Project
This project answers: How can water be used to do work?
Description: In this project make a small water turbine model by taping cardboard strips on a cork. Put pins in the ends for axles and make a U-shaped holder for it. Metal or plastic fins can also be slipped on into the slits made in the cork. In this project observe how this structure will turn as fast as the water stream is moving- see water in action!
Desert Condensation Project
This project answers: How do plants still thrive in the desert?
Description: This project studies how moisture and water is created through the process of condensation in the desert. Discover your local surroundings through this great experiment using just a small aquarium, sand, clear plastic, small container like a jar lid, plant and water!
High School Projects
Measuring Soil pH Project
This project answers: How acidic are some soil areas compared to others and why?
Description: In this project compare and contrast different soils and their pH levels. Discover how soils can be alkaline, neutral, or acidic and how most plants grow best in soil near neutral pH, but some plants prefer slightly acidic and others slightly alkaline soil. Find out the pH of the soil in gardens and parks and what happens to the pH of water that comes in contact with soil.
Observing the Influence of Acid Rain on Plant Growth Project
This project answers: What is the result of acid rain on plants?
Description: This project studies the effects of acid rain on a variety of different plants, observing what the occurrence is between each. In this project compare and contrast watering plants with acidic water and clean water and learn more about the harmful occurrences of acid rain on the environment.
Observing Buffers in Lakes, Ponds, and Streams Project
This project answers: How does acid rain play a role in the acidity of water and the results from the rain?
Description: This project observes the buffering effects of limestone on the acidity of water. Prepare two containers of vinegar solution, place crushed limestone in one, and check the pH of the solution in each container periodically for six days, recording their measurements. The experiment helps reinforce the idea that natural limestone occurring in lake bottoms or soil may help neutralize the effects of acid rain.
Website Resources
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DragonflyTV by PBS Kids!You can turn the investigations that you see on DragonflyTV into your own science fair project! Every investigation featured on the show has its own web page where kids can explore each project in depth! |
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Science Fair Central by Discovery EducationSeparate science fair guides for students, teachers, and parents. |
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Science BuddiesScience fair project ideas, step by step how to do a science fair project, Ask an Expert discussion board, and hundreds of detailed science fair project ideas for all grade levels. |
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Steve Spangler ScienceSteve Spangler Science is your one stop shop for the best science gadgets, toys, and experiments on the web. Come experience the Spangler Effect! |
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Science BobEnter the world of Science Bob to try lots of home experiments, watch experiment videos, and get science fair ideas. |
MRWG Reference Books

Water Science Fair Projects
by Madeline P. Goodstein, 2004

Science Projects for Dummies
by Maxine Levaren, 2002

Championship Science Fair Projects: 100 Sure-to-Win Experiments
by Sudipta Bardhan-QuallenDate, 2007

First Place Science Fair Projects for Inquisitive Kids
by Elizabeth HarrisDate, 2005

Dazzling Science Projects with Light and Color (Fantastic Physical Science Experiments)
by Robert Gardner, 2006

Ace Your Ecology and Environmental Science Project: Great Science Fair Ideas
by Robert Gardner, Phyllis J. Perry and Salvatore Tocci, 2009

So You Have to Do a Science Fair Project
by Joyce Henderson & Heather Tomasello, 2002

A+ Science Fair Projects
by Janice Vancleave, 2003

Help! My Science Project Is Due Tomorrow! Easy Experiments You Can Do Overnight
by Janice Vancleave, 2001

365 Simple Science Experiments with Everyday Materials
by E. Richard Churchill, Louis V. Loeschnig, Muriel Mandell and Frances Zweifel, 1997

The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book: Boil Ice, Float Water, Measure Gravity-Challenge the World Around You!
by Tom Robinson, 2002

101 Great Science Experiments
by Neil Ardley, 2000