Automotive Maintenance

Oil, grease, anti-freeze and other toxic automotive fluids often make their way into the stormdrain system and contribute to stormwater pollution. Use these guidelines when working on your car.

Changing your oil and oil filter:

  • Have your oil changed by a professional. If you do it yourself, recycle your used oil and oil filter at a certified collection center or household hazardous waste site. Clean any leaks and spills with an absorbent material like kitty litter. 
  • Buy recycled motor oil for your car. Concerned about quality or performance? Mercedes Benz, known for its standards of quality and engineering, uses recycled motor oil in all their new vehicles.

Draining your radiator:

  • Anti-freeze, made from the chemical ethylene glycol, is extremely toxic. Drain your radiator into a drip pan to avoid spills, and take the old anti-freeze in a sealed container to a household hazardous waste collection site
  • Try less toxic alternatives to conventional anti-freeze. Anti-freeze made from propylene glycol, manufacturers claim, has a lower freezing point, a higher boiling point and lasts longer.

Washing you car:

  • Wash your vehicle at a car wash that reclaims wash water, preventing oil, grease and toxic fluids from washing into the street and the storm drain system. 
  • Use soaps, cleaners and detergents that are labeled phosphate free or biodegradable. The safest products for the environment are vegetable based or citrus-based soaps.