Water Wise Landscaping
Rainfall and snow runoff is limited throughout the year in the High Desert. That’s why it’s important that we preserve and conserve water all year long to maintain a consistent and healthy supply of water. Luckily, conservation and stormwater pollution prevention are easy – and can start right in your own yard!
Did you know that more than 30 percent of all household water consumption occurs outside the home for watering lawns and gardens? You can reduce your consumption by using water-wise plants and rocks to create a colorful, low maintenance landscape – and we’ve picked our favorites to help you get started!
Water Wise plants live longer, use less water and tolerate heat and desert conditions far better than other flowers, trees and shrubs. By landscaping with Water Wise plants, you can lower your overall water consumption and need for stormwater pollutants like topical fertilizers and pesticides.
Check out our list of water-savvy plants to get started on your Water Wise landscape today!
Thirsty for more? Click here and visit our friends at the Mojave Water Agency (MWA) to tap into more useful information.
UC Verde Buffalo Grass Plant profile: This drought-resistant grass requires less mowing, and fertilizing care than other lawn turf. UC Verde Buffalograss uses up to 75 percent less water, can reach four to six inches tall and grows best with full exposure to sunlight and heat. |
Bermuda Grass Plant profile: Bermuda grass is a seasonal plant which can be grown in all soil types. It grows best in full sunlight, thrives in hot climates and requires minimal amounts of water. |
St. Augustine Grass Plant profile: St. Augustine grass is a warm-season turf grass that is great for lawn use. It is water efficient, has few pest problems and does well in sandy soils. It prefers full sun, but grows well in shaded areas. This grass grows quickly during the summer and enters a dormancy period during the winter. |
Crape Myrtle Plant profile: This drought-resistant grass requires less mowing, and fertilizing care than other lawn turf. UC Verde Buffalograss uses up to 75 percent less water, can reach four to six inches tall and grows best with full exposure to sunlight and heat. |
Mexican Blue Palm Plant Profile: The Mexican Blue Palm is a hardy palm, perfect for the Southern California region. This species of palm is drought tolerant, as the dense, silvery fronds help the palm conserve water by reflecting the rays of the sun. Although it is slow growing, this palm can grow to 30 feet tall and produces long, dramatic boughs of flowers throughout its lifetime. |
Palo Verde Plant profile: The Palo Verde is a fast-growing desert tree with sparse, airy foliage. It produces yellow and orange flowers heavily from mid-April through June and sporadically blooms from summer into fall. The Palo Verde tree is also very drought tolerant in both cold and hot weather, making it a suitable choice for the dry Southern California region. |
Manzanita Botanical name: Arctostaphylos species “Emerald Carpet”Plant profile: The Manzanita is an evergreen groundcover shrub that requires very little water. It is characterized by glossy-green leaves and pink flowers and grows up to 1 foot tall. Best time to plant: Plant in spring Average price: 1 gallon plant - $10 |
Cliffrose Botanical name: Cowania MexicanaPlant profile: The Cliffrose is a California-native, flowering shrub. It has a high tolerance for drought conditions and prefers well-drained soil and full sun. Its white flowers bloom in mid spring, producing a sweet aroma through late summer. Best time to plant: Plant in spring Average price: 1 gallon plant - $5, 5 gallon plant $2 |
English Lavender Botanical name: Lavandula angustifoliaPlant profile: Lavender is a durable drought resistant shrub. It can grow 6-10 feet tall with full sunlight and dry soil with little maintenance. It’s fragrant purple flowers bloom spring thru winter. Best Time to Plant: Plant in spring and fall Average Price: 1 gallon plant - $15 |
Flowering Plants
Rose of Sharon Botanical name: Hibiscus syriacusPlant profile: The Rose of Sharon is a late blooming flower that blossoms at the end of summer or early fall. It can reach 12 feet in height with full sunlight and well-drained soil. This plant is low maintenance and easy to care for, even under polluted conditions. Best time to plant: Plant in spring or fall. Average price: 3 gallon plant - $40 |
Texas Ranger Botanical name: Leucophyllum sppPlant profile: The Texas Ranger plant is extremely drought tolerant and is the epitome of low-maintenance. This plant can withstand extreme temperatures and requires little to no pruning, no fertilizer, and well-drained soil. The Texas Ranger can reach heights between 3 and 8 feet. It produces silver and green leaves and deep violet blossoms that bloom in the fall. Best time to plant: Plant in late spring Average price: 1 gallon plant - $5, 5 gallon plant - $20 |
Yarrow Botanical name: Achillea millefoliumPlant profile: The Yarrow tolerates heat and drought like a champion and can grow to 3 feet in height with full sun and well-drained soil. It blooms in spring and much of the summer in shades of yellow, orange, red, pink, and white. Yarrow thrives in sunny but partially shaded locations and is an easy-growing perennial. Best time to plant: Plant in spring Average price: 1 gallon plant - $1 |
Business Section
Ready to get “growing” on your water-wise garden? Stop by these local businesses to speak with a water-wise landscaping expert!