2018-2021 Archive

New Year, New Stormwater Savvy Habits

Dec 19, 2018 at 3:27pm

Goodbye 2018, hello 2019! With the New Year approaching, it’s essential that we start off on a clean slate with new habits. This year, make clean water your priority by adopting habits that will help our main source of drinking water, the Mojave River Watershed stay #pollutionfree.

  1. Enviro-Healthy Cardio: If your resolution this year is to walk or run more, consider merging your cardio time with trash clean-ups. While on your walks or runs carry a trash bag with you and pick up litter or plastic waste along the way. Not only will you be accomplishing your health goals but you will be helping make our High Desert a place to live.
  2. Meal and Compost Prepping: Will you be adding meal prepping to your goals in 2019? If so, get into the habit of composting your vegetable and fruit scraps after each meal preparation to fertilize your garden in a stormwater-savvy way.
  3. Become a Stormwater Savvy Trooper: Consider volunteering more often this year. The High Desert cities are always looking for new troopers to join in on community clean-up days. Check in with your city to find out when clean-up days will be taking place this year. You’ll feel great keeping our High Desert #PollutionFree!
  4. Spring Cleaning: This year get into the habit of doing your spring cleaning all year long by eliminating cleaning supplies with harsh chemicals from the home and opting for more natural products. While cleaning out your home remember to dispose of Household Hazardous waste properly. Check out some of the High Desert Hazardous Waste drop-offs closest to you here.

By picking up these new #StormwaterSavvy habits you will be helping keep your community safe and local waterways clean.

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