2018-2021 Archive

How to Create a Resolution That Will Actually Stick in 2020!

Dec 17, 2019 at 11:39am

Why 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail and tips to make sure yours don’t.

The new year is just around the corner and it’s time for those highly anticipated resolutions! According to a study by the University of Scranton, just about eight percent of people actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions, while somewhere over 80 percent fail to reach their goals. This year, we want to help you set goals that are both stormwater savvy and attainable. With these tips taken from Harvard and NBC, you can create habits that will benefit both you and the Mojave River Watershed for a lifetime.

First things first, create a goal that seems big to you. As the old saying goes, reach for the moon, because even if you don’t make it, you’ll land somewhere among the stars.

Break Them Up into Steps

Small steps help us move ahead towards our bigger goals. Breaking down and keeping track of the smaller steps needed to attain our goals can help us stay motivated and on the right path to success! For example, your resolution to be stormwater savvy can be as simple as  taking your car to a commercial car wash instead of washing it at home.

Reward Yourself Along the Way

A habit is formed when a behavior is constantly rewarded. Therefore, if we are consistently rewarding ourselves for the good things we do, we are taking a positive step towards building better habits. Actions like making the switch to non-toxic household cleaners deserve to be rewarded!

Keep Track of Your Progress

Keeping track of  progress is a good way to look back on just how far you’ve come and encourage you to keep going. If your goal is to take your pets on more walks, keep track of how many walks you have a doggy-doo bag with you over the course of each week. It adds up!

Get Social Support

Last but not least, get your friends and family involved by sharing your stormwater savvy resolutions with them! It is so much easier to stay on track when you have others motivating you and keeping you accountable for the things you want to accomplish.

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