2018-2021 Archive
High Desert Holiday Waste Pick-Up Updates and More!
Dec 23, 2020 at 2:30pm
Plan ahead to discard holiday trash properly
This is a friendly reminder that our High Desert waste collection services adjust pickup schedules during the holidays. Since Christmas Day and New Year’s Day both fall on weekdays, trash will be picked up the following day. That means for the next two weeks, if your trash day is on Friday, Dec. 25, it will be collected on Saturday, Dec. 26 and Saturday, Jan. 2.
It’s important to stay up to date on waste pick up times since trash is one of the major contributors of stormwater pollution. Make sure keep those bin lids closed so trash doesn’t blow away with our High Desert winds.
Victorville’s Christmas tree curbside disposal will run from Jan. 4 through Jan. 15 on your regular trash day. Hesperia will also offer curbside pickup on trash days from Dec. 26 through Jan. 22. Apple Valley residents are required to cut their trees in half if they are over six feet tall and curbside pickup will be provided for a two-week period after Dec. 25.
Thanks for doing your part to keep our community trash free!